Please help Sandy

Sandy is in Critical Care Unit at the Avenues and requires urgent medical attention

This campaign failed to reach its funding goal 7 years ago
18% Funded
  • $3,670.00 Donated
  • $20,000.00 Goal
  • 26 Donors
Time left to donate

About the Campaign

Sandy in in critical care at avenues due to undiagnosed bedsores that have infected her entire body, blood steam and vital organs. She was paralized in her 20’s and has always taken care of herself, a very proud lady, but due to paralisis she had no idea of the bed sores until her body literally started shutting down


her vitals are weak and shes struggling. She was admitted 3 weeks ago and has exhausted her medical aid and personal funds. Hospital advised we need to find $20,000 before they can do any more

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  • Bernice Hawkes Janine Steyl

    Heartfelt gratitude to each person who has donated so far, we’ve reached a quarter mark ❤️ please share far and wide

    May 6, 2018 at 9:27 am Reply

  • Bernice Hawkes Janine Steyl

    Heartfelt gratitude to each person who’s donated so far, we’ve raised $5640 to date, please share this post ❤️

    May 6, 2018 at 9:28 am Reply

  • Bernice Hawkes Janine Steyl

    Update, Sandy is not in a good way today, please please pray for her

    May 6, 2018 at 2:02 pm Reply

  • Bernice Hawkes Janine Steyl

    Sandy is curently stable, still having lungs drained and on oxygen from the pnemonia, however a little stronger in herself. She is on serious treatment for the internal infection, but looking positive please keep her in your prayers

    May 17, 2018 at 9:27 am Reply

  • Bernice Hawkes

    Update, Sandy is stronger in herself, however still has pnemonia, lungs still draining, so surgery to close bedsores cannot take place as yet.

    Massive infection in one has returned, we had to source antibiotic from Zambia, hearfelt gratitude to Norman for organising and getting it here in 24hrs!! Praying this works real quick

    May 29, 2018 at 8:01 am Reply