It is free to launch a campaign, to contribute to a campaign and there are no penalties for missing your goal. However, fees are deducted from each donation.

Overview Pricing & Fees:

F4C Payment Processor Total
6% Other: 2.7%-3.5% + $0.40-0.50
PayPal: 2.9% + $0.30
10% per donation.


Third party fees

2.7%-3.5% + $0.40-0.50 for Ecocash, Telecash and ZimSwitch payment processing and 2.9% + $0.30 for Paypal & Credit Cards.
$10 – $25 wire fee: You are charged once & varies with the amount. We charge the wire fee when funds are wired in one lump sum to your local bank after the campaign has ended.
Mobile Money Sending Charges: You are charged the official “Send Money” charges for your mobile operator. We do not bear these sending fees and these will be deducted from your lump sum accordingly.

Details: Type of Fees

F4C fee: Fund4Crowd’s platform fee.
Third party fees for payment processor.
Local Bank wire fee: A one-time bank transfer fee(for campaign owners only).
Mobile Wallet charges: these are charges levied by a mobile operator when sending money to a mobile wallet and are unavoidable.

Please note: Contributors can contribute to campaigns from anywhere in the world.